Tequila Tiding
The wood nymphs oftentimes would busied be, And pluck for him the blushing Strawberry, Making from them a bracelet on a bent, Which for a favour to this swain they sent. — BROWNE’S Brit. Past., i, 2.

2oz Pear & Cinnamon Infused Corzo Silver Tequila
1oz Domain de Canton
½ oz Lemon Juice
Drop of Agave
Splash of Tonic Water
Muddle strawberry. Add the rest of the ingredients and shake with well ice. Empty into rocks glass, add a splash of tonic water and garnish with a berry.

As the humid California summer nears its end, we look towards the holiday season with it’s inviting flavors, festivities, and the chance for rest and reflection before the start of a brand new year.
The strawberrie is perhaps the most romantic of berries. It is believed to induce love and form a bond between two souls. In medieval France, the fruit was served to newlyweds on their wedding day feasts to bless the union with abundance and sweetness. In our day, this luscious berry is believed to possess a gentle aphrodisiac effect.

Pears were believed by the ancient Chinese to be the fruit of immortality because pear trees live for a very long time. Ginger, which was a highly valuable trade commodity in thirteenth century England, can represent prosperity and diversity.
But perhaps the most significant flavor in this concoction is the cinnamon, which is also considered to be an aphrodisiac. The great King Solomon of ancient Israel referred to it in both Proverbs and the Songs of Solomon, and used it among other exotic spices to perfume his marriage bed.


The infusing of a bottle of Corzo tequila silver with pears and a cinnamon stick is an important step. The modern spirit, which already possesses an elegant texture on it’s own, carries notes of citrus and vanilla. The pears and cinnamon bring on a layer of warmth with hints of the East Coast autumn.
The rich and festive Tequila Tiding is a sensuous marriage of these romantic fruits and spices. Experience magic, love and glad tidings in every sip and herald the seasons of joy and thanksgiving.